UIMDF Catalogue

Welcome to the UIMDF catalogue tool. UIMDF stands for User Interface Meta Description Framework. This tool presents property catalogs for the description of UI fragments in a AAS (Asset Administration Shell) submodel. For further explanation, sie also the UIMDF about Website.

In future, additional information and other related tools will be available in our GitLab Repositories

In case of questions, comments, or hints for improvement, please do not hesitate to contact using lukas.baron (at) tu-dresden.de.

Available UIMDF Models in latest version (0.0.3):

The UI Fragment Properties Model defines properties for the meta description of UI Fragments and their types. The propertiey are intended to be used in order to provide machine interpretable information that allows the automatic selection and adaptation of UI fragments dependending on the intended use case. The model is organized as follows: Audit Properties: For organizing and maintaining libraries and repositories of ui fragments. Technical Properties: For describing the UI Fragment as a computational artifact that provides its own API for the integration into a solution. Use Case: For describing the main information about what is represented in the UI fragment and which task can be conducted using the UI fragment. Context-of-Use: For describing the constraints that influenced the UI design. Content Markup Properties: Are used to apply any property to sections or parts of the UI fragment. Property Types: The type descriptions of all properties in the catalogue that enable the property instanciation in form of propety value statements.

Go To Model 'UI Fragment Properties'

Available UIMDF Versions

initial version not fully documented

adds new task types and view domains