PerspectiveType in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.3


Up to Representation Properties

FragmentProperty: PerspectiveTypeStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


Denotes the perspective of the graphic representation and its dynamic characteristic, i.e. if the perspective adapts to location changes.

Typed Element: → 'PerspectiveTypeType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'PerspectiveTypeType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Base Type: STRING
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..∞
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: <NONE>

Enumerated Type

  • Parallel = 0
  • Centered = 0
  • Top = 0
  • Front = 0
  • Diagonal = 0
  • Pinned = 0
  • User = 0
  • Moving = 0
  • Device = 0