UI Fragment Type in Model UI Fragment Properties@0.0.3


Up to Fragment Type Properties

FragmentProperty: UI Fragment TypeStatus: EXPERIMENTAL


Characterizes the flexibility and kind of the ui fragment implementation. Possible values are: Static: The ui fragment is fully implemented and not intended to be adapted or configured. E.g. images, prebuild binaries, etc. Configurable: The ui fragment is implemented in a way that allows a configuration with predefined parameters in order to perform various adaptations. E.g. library elements that allow to disable certain parts. Template: The ui fragment defines certain structures containing placeholders into which other elements can be placed that are not foreseen by the template. The template may pose some restrictions to the elements that refine the placeholder. Generator: The ui fragment is realized as a software tool that performs a model transformation, e.g. of a plant model, and generates the ui fragment. In this case, the possible outputs of the generator are to be characterized using the ui fragment properties.

Typed Element: → 'UIFragmentTypeType'

Instanciatable Types 1

Name: → 'UIFragmentTypeType' Status: EXPERIMENTAL
Base Type: STRING
Abstract: No
Cardinality: 0..1
From Model: UI Fragment Properties
Documentation: <NONE>

Enumerated Type

  • Static = 0
  • Configurable = 1
  • Template = 2
  • Generator = 4